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A Madrasah magazine


Madrasah Magazine Paragraph For All Class. Madrasah Magazine Paragraph For JSC, SSC And HSC.

The Madrasah Magazine

We have a magazine in our madrasah. It is published annually. A magazine committee is formed for the Smooth publication of the magazine. The superintendent is the chief patron. A senior teacher becomes the adviser. Another teacher assists us for editing. Six students of senior classes are selected for performing the jobs of editing. proof reading and other necessary works. There is a magazine fund which is raised by collecting subscription from students known as 'magazine fees'. Besides, the students collect money from different business concerns for their advertisement. Many students try to write different kinds of articles and other literary works. Some of the teachers also take part in writings. The madrasah magazine helps the students to express their feelings and thoughts: It stimulates their imagination and develops their creativity. In fact, the madrasah magazine is the first stepping stone to be a writer in future. The madrasah magazine contains short Stories, essays, short plays, poems, jokes etc. both in English and Bengali. All the members of the magazine committee do their respective duties properly and ultimately a beautiful magazine comes out every year for the students.

asked by MD. Anas
